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The Return of the Modern Philosopher

run sweatI’m something of a sweat monster, Modern Philosophers.

There.  I’ve said it.  It’s out in the open.  I can stop hiding it from you.

I think one of the reasons I prefer running outside to doing it at the gym, is because I am so self-conscious at the amount of sweat I generate.

I could fill entire reservoirs with the sweat that my body produces on a 5 mile run.  I’ve often felt the urge to hire a lifeguard to stand nearby just in case someone else at the gym began to drown in all my perspiration.

When I run on the open road, I don’t have to worry about the people on either side of me on the treadmills that are far too close for my liking (and theirs once they catch a whiff of me).  Plus, the fresh air does something to help with the malodorous scents defiling…

Voir l’article original 464 mots de plus

top la photo 🙂

The Return of the Modern Philosopher

black bear fishYou know you’re far from the big city in which you were raised, Modern Philosophers, when your inbox at work lights up with an email entitled simply « Bear ».

Our supervisor was making us aware that a black bear had just been roaming around the parking lot, and that the big guy had even stopped to lounger near the picnic tables.

Had she not said it was a black bear, I would have assumed that Yogi Bear had stopped by the office to scope out picnic baskets.

The email went on to advise us that the Game Wardens had been called, and advised us to be careful when walking out to our cars.

As luck would have it, today of all days, I had chosen to leave several pots of honey uncovered inside of Zombie Car.  I was pretty sure I could not only kiss those bad boys goodbye, but also…

Voir l’article original 338 mots de plus

trop drole les amis !

rien de tel que quelques photos d’animaux pour se détendre ! 🙂

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